Demetrius’ Story

Apheresis Treatment Reduces Complications and Hospital Stays

Demetrius experienced many ups and downs throughout his care journey, including numerous hospital stays as a result of sickle cell crisis episodes – a common occurrence for SCD patients.

“A good year for Demetrius would be two to three hospitalizations, and in a bad year, there would be five to seven,” Melvin, Demetrius’ dad, said. “One year he developed pneumonia in both lungs and had to be put into an induced coma. We nearly lost him, and he was in intensive care for about six weeks.”

Valley Childrens Patient Stories Demetrius

Access to red cell apheresis therapy has changed that by drastically reducing the number of hospital stays resulting from SCD complications. In fact, since launching the program, Valley admission rates for patients experiencing a sickle cell crisis have decreased by 100%.

“Since Demetrius started apheresis therapy four years ago at Valley Children’s, he has only had to be hospitalized twice,” Melvin said. “Receiving the treatment has also been extremely effective in helping him manage his symptoms on a day-to-day basis, as well.”

These days, Demetrius is proactive about his health. While being treated at Valley Children’s, he has learned about healthy habits he can maintain to mitigate his symptoms.

“Before I started the apheresis treatment, every little thing would make me winded,” he said. “Now I am breathing better and I have a lot more energy. Even when I have some pain, I usually don’t need to go to the hospital, because I can manage it at home.”

With his SCD now under control, Demetrius can focus on his future, and work on achieving his goal of becoming a pastor, and help other people live their lives to the fullest.

As Melvin put it, “The ability to benefit from the best possible care at Valley Children’s means fewer hospitalizations, less stress on Demetrius and our family and more time together to enjoy life.”